Bitcoin Is Open Source, It Doesn’t Matter Who Satoshi Is

Today, The New York Times took their turn at attempting to identify who Satoshi might be. Contrary to the Newsweek fiasco, this piece was well researched and written, including many important pieces of Bitcoin’s past (with links/citations for a change!). The article suggests that Nick Szabo may have some connection to Bitcoin’s creation, but they […]

Guess Who’s Back, Back Again? Fontas is Back!

ARISE CHIKUN!!! Been a while since you read that text? These days, the only trollbox we visit is on BitMEX, but we still remember the good old days of BTC-e. For those of you who don’t know who Fontas is: Fontas was part of the special research team in the 1990’s that led to left-handed […]

Bitcoin In The New Yorker – 2011

For those of you who are new to the Bitcoin scene, you may have missed a few of the gems from it’s rich past. Even if you have been around since the Genesis Block, it’s always refreshing to look back at some of the well written pieces chronicling the rise of cryptocurrency. We recently came […]

Where Have All The Traders Gone?

Ok, so maybe the title is a bit of an overstatement, but seriously… BTC traders have been diversifying out of crypto! People called for BTC price stability (we certainly aren’t fans), and it has arrived. Is 2015 going to turn into the “year of the day-long, $2 range Bitcoin”? (BFX 15m chart for May 12 […]

Cloudy, With A Chance Of Bullishness

Bulls have been suffocating the last 16+ months, as Bitcoin Bears have held a firm tracheal grip. The bulls experienced a series of false starts throughout 2014, with none of the news based pumps materializing, and all going the way of “the Microsoft, PayPal and Lunar pumps”. While this phenomenon can be attributed to a […]

No Way, The itBit Pump Hasn’t Dumped Yet?

Shocking, right? We had a news based pump that is flagging and hasn’t dumped yet? Someone pinch me, please! Ok, fine… I fully expect to wake up to a “full retrace” back down to 230 because some “bearwhale” feels like having a bull steak dinner (probably not grass fed though), or maybe the BFX longs […]

BitFinex Appears To Have Crossed Streams, BTC Crash On Hold

Just after 5pm EST today (May 6th, 2015), Dump Team 6 commenced a high volume, multi-exchange sell-off.  As usual, panic quickly struck both the Chinese and Western exchanges, as traders who were high on margin started to sober up and realize it might not be such a great idea to trade while using hopeium. The […]

Bitcoin Trades At A New USD All Time High

In it’s first day of trading in the regulated marketplace, Bitcoin traded at a record high (in USD) of $1,337.00 per BTC.  GBTC is an investment vehicle which represents approximately 1/10, or .1 BTC per share.  More information on the security can be found here. Edit: More information is available here, on Reddit. Edit 2: […]